I have seen this on a few blogs this month and i loved reading it and even though i haven't been tagged i have to do it! I love Christmas, it is my favourite time of year so this tag is perfect for me! If you know of any other Christmassy tags please link them below because i love reading them!
Lets get into the questions...
Photo taken from google images
1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
I prefer synthetic trees only because i feel like they look better, i am actually putting mine up this Sunday and i am so excited about it! I love the smell of real Christmas trees so i always try and get a candle that smells like one so it feels like i have a real tree!
2. You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick up?
As boring as it may be, its most likely to be a hot chocolate or a tea. And the coffee shop would have to be costa because well, they have the most amazing Christmas take away cups this year and they are just so cute!
3. What's your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
I like red and green to be traditional but this year i am going to be decorating my tree in my room white, silver with a little bit of red and the tree in the living room is always red and silver!
4. Giving or receiving?
Not going to lie, who doesn't like getting presents but saying that i do love giving presents. I love the whole process of picking out gifts for family and friends, wrapping it up all pretty and then seeing their reaction to your gift!
5. To mince pie or not to?
Cannot stand mince pies and it makes me a little sad because i try to like to like them every year but i just cannot stand the texture!
6. What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
Normally a roast with all the trimmings!
7. Christmas day fashion
My family and i almost always stay at home for Christmas so i normally shower and just get back into my PJ's!
8. What's your favourite Christmas song?
At the moment, it is Fairytale of New York but im always loving the song from the John Lewis advert this year and that advert made my tear up a little bit. John Lewis makes the best Christmas adverts don't they?
9. What's your favourite Christmas film?
So had to pick favourites but i love all three of the Santa Clause movies! I watch them every year and just don't get sick of them!
10. Open presents before or after lunch?
Normally before breakfast! I don't know how anyone waits until after lunch!
I tag TheBeautyBow and anyone else that wants to do this tag! If you do it or have done it, link it below so i can have a read!
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