Ever since I mentioned this in my What I Got For My Birthday and Skincare Routine Posts, i have gotten a few comments and tweets asking for a review for this. This is the Garnier Cleansing Micellar Water and boy do i love this stuff! I have been trying this out along side another one and am hoping to pick a few more different micellar waters from different brands to do one massive comparison post, any specific ones you want to see reviewed?! This one is the best one i have tried so far and heres why...
I took this photo just after i had got it for my birthday, i have used about half of it now promise!
The packaging is slightly similar to the Bioderma ones in regards to the clear bottle and the pink cap but this version is much cheaper. This product retails for around £4.99 although my Tesco seems to have it at £3.99 so if you want it a little bit cheaper head on over to Tesco! If im completely honest, i would pay around £10 for this product because it really does a great job so the fact that it is only £5ish is great!
To get the product out onto a cotton pad is super easy, because of the way the cap is you can squeeze just the right amount onto the cotton pad and don't waste any product whereas with ones like the loreal one, you end up wasting a lot of product as it just pours out without anyway to stop it.
This product claims to be suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive ones and i really believe in that claim! I have been having some problems with my skin and it had been having a bad reaction to something around my eye making the skin flake off and really sore but even when i use this it seems to sooth it slightly and take away from of the redness which is a bonus! Some micellar waters sting my eyes but this one doesn't at all, i have actually put a little bit on a cotton bud to remove make up from my water line and it was fine!
To remove my whole face of make up i use three small cotton pads, one for each eye and one for my face and it works like a dream! I then cleanse with my Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish to make sure that all traces of make up are gone which they normally are from this water so if im feeling lazy i just skip using Liz Earle.
I have been using this every night for the past month and i have only used about half of the bottle so its great value for money and will last properly for about two months so for around £5 for two months worth of product is amazing!
Overall, i cannot say a bad word about this product and will be repurchasing when i run out!
Have you tried this? What did you think?
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