I'll Be There For You - Kelsey Miller | Book Review

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I have been wanting to read this book ever since it was released but I only just got my hands on it. I adore Friends and this book is perfect for every Friends fan, new or old. This book covered so much that I had no idea about and makes me love Friends a little bit more.
I'll Be There For You - Kelsey Miller Book Review

Over twenty years since its low-profile debut and Friends is the most streamed show on UK Netflix. But has it stood the test of time? Are some parts of it more problematic than we remember? And who was the cast’s least favourite guest star?

Join Kelsey Miller as she answers all of these questions and more. And as she relives the show’s most iconic moments, examines some of its controversies, and shines a light on the many trends it inspired – from oversized coffee cups to the much-copied 90s haircut, ‘The Rachel’.
Weaving incisive commentary, revelatory interviews and behind-the-scenes anecdotes involving high-profile guest stars, I’ll Be There for You is the most comprehensive take on Friends yet, and the ultimate book for fans everywhere.

My Review

As someone who grew up on Friends, I adored this book. The show started the year I was born so I obviously didn't get all the jokes when I started watching it. I was seven or eight when I first discovered the show but as I rewatch it all the time, I find it funnier now. Friends and The Big Bang Theory have always been those comfort show for me and this book made me realise just how much I love Friends and how so many other people do. The writer of the book talks at the beginning about how the show is a comfort to her and it is so relatable. Even if you don't or haven't ever watched an episode, you'll know the characters and some of their personality traits. In case you were wondering, I am a Chandler. 

This book is a deep dive into the phenomenon surrounding Friends. It shares details on the casting process and how some characters had actors in mind before casting began. It also shares details on how the show came to be, how the name of the show was completely different before it aired and the controversies that occurred after a few seasons. I thought I knew a lot about Friends, a few things I already knew were covered in the book but there was so much that I had no idea about which was incredibly interesting to read. 

As I never watched the show as it was airing on TV, I had no idea about how Phoebe came to be and how her twin sister was actually a character in a different TV show and how that was just a cross over to justify having Lisa on both shows. The book touches on elements that have not aged well and you can never expect a show that was made over 20 years ago to be perfect in this day and age. You have to take it for what it is and you know that these things would not be on our TV/laptop screens now. The one thing about this book that I didn't like was the last chapter, it covers the lawsuit regarding the writer's room and while I understand why it was included, I wish it wasn't.

Reading this made me realise how much Friends had an impact on me and also started my fascination with New York. I have never visited but I will read or watch anything based in the city. It's crazy how Friends is more popular than ever currently thanks to streaming services and while I love a reboot, I do hope that this show doesn't come back. I just don't think that it needs to. 

25 years on, I am still obsessed as Friends like I was as a child. When I was younger, all I would ask for on Christmas and birthday's was the DVDs and now I want all the merch and Funko Pops. 

The paperback version is out in October but is available now on Kindle and in hardback - HERE



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