Hair Envy/ Future Hairstyle!

In a few weeks my hair is getting a big chop! I always want really long hair and then when i have it, it annoys me! So ive decided to go to the hair dressers for the first time in years to get my hair done soon! Because i don't really do much with my hair it only seems right to get the chop!

Hair Envy/ Future Hairstyle!

The first picture is of me in the summer two years ago, i think ill go back to this length! I have real hair envy of the other three photo's! Julianne Hough is my girl crush at the moment, after seeing Safe Haven i fell in love with her and if i had the guts i would cut it that short but i really like the length of her hair in the picture above!

I dont really think long hair suits me that much if im honest which is mainly what has made me decide to get the chop!

I want to know your thoughts on giving my hair the chop! Should i do it? It will be about three inches maybe more off!

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