I am in love. My new love is my bag. It. Is. Beautiful. If you watch any of the Kardashian programmes, you might have seen this bag. I must state before i get into this post that i did not pay hundreds of pounds for this bag it is a replica! This bag is a celine replica, the likes of Kendall Jenner, Miley Cyrus, Leighton Meester, Rihanna and Nichole Richie have all been spotted with this bag and i love it! I think this bag is so beautiful and is a timeless piece. The bag is extremely well made and feels very high quality.
This bag was £17.95 and they do a whole range of different colours! This bag was from eBay and available here. The bag itself has three pockets on the inside, one with a zip and one on the front which is big enough for a phone. The bag also comes with a strap to be able to put this over the shoulder or across the body. On the bottom of the bag is little studs in each of the corners to help keep the bottom in good condition when it is on the floor!
Front of the bag
The back of the bag
The inside of the bag
Whats in my bag?
❀ Gloves; if you live in England you would know that it is currently snowing at the moment.. Its march go away snow!
❀ My kindle; just incase im out and get a bit bored!
❀ Cath Kidston pouch, just has lip balms, hair bands, mini perfumes and hand gel in!
❀ River Island Purse
❀ iPhone
❀ Jack Wills phone case
❀ My keys
❀ My tangle teezer!
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