As pay day comes around every year, i always have a list of things i want to purchase and this month was so different! I made quite a good few purchases, some of which had quite a good discount so i had to share them with you all! I purchased from Primark, Superdrug, Poundland, ASOS, Liz Earle & eBay!
Heres what i purchased...
Primark has got some lovely bits in at the moment and my favourite are the £5 dresses! I only picked up one this time because i was trying to be good but when i go back in the next few weeks i have my eye on a few!
This dress is going to be perfect for the autumn/winter coming up paired with tights!
Raglan style top. £4
The most softest throw you will ever find. £3.90
A complete bargain for £4!
Now onto the non Primark items....
River Island comic book skater skirt £6.50 in the sale on ASOS. I am in love with this skirt!
This iPad case is from and was a complete bargain for £3 and is actually nice quality!
I finally found some of the Maybelline Babylips! I ordered one online the day they were released here in the UK and i popped into superdrug to find these and to my sadness a little girl picked up the last ones and then i headed to the till to find a whole load, it was like they were meant to be! They were also on offer for 2 for £5 so i had to pick up two, obviously!
The next three items were from poundland. Every time i go into there i always hunt down the beauty section and always find just what im looking for! I picked up the Dainty Doll eyeshadow base and it is actually quite nice! I also picked up a Sally Hansen nail polish and a Calvin Klein cream eyeshadow (which smells awful!).
When i got an email to say Liz Earle were having free delivery, i couldn't turn it down. I have been having really bad problems with my skin again and i think it was because i stopped using cleanse and polish, since using this again its started to get a whole lot better! I also got a free 30ml and cloth!
For the longest time i have been after the Bath & Body Works hand gels but paying almost £3 for one is a little excessive, until i found an eBay seller who had them for £1.99, could not pass this up! I also got the holder for £1 from the same seller! It smells lovely. This ebay seller is available here if you wish to take advantage of this!
If you would like reviews on any of the stuff mentioned please let me know in the comments!
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