I can't believe it is time for my final LiLash and Librow update! I have been using LiBrow* everyday for the past there months everyday in hopes that my brows would grow while my mum has been testing LiLash* because her lashes were incredibly short and could use the help! And the results are in...
Librow Results (Top Before, Bottom After)
Lilash Results (Top Before, Bottom After)
If you haven't already seen my one month and two month updates, check those out now so you will now how I got on in those months. In case you don't know what LiLash and LiBrow is, they are serums which you apply daily to enhance the growth in your brows and lashes. Librow is applied anywhere you need extra help growing in as well as along the bottom of the brows to help get them to grow thicker. Lilash is applied in the same way you would liquid eye liner at the lash line.
I think the before and after result photos really speak for themselves but they really don't do them justice if I am honest because myself and my mum have both noticed incredible results. I have always struggled with growing in my eyebrows and I have quite a big head so having tiny eyebrows just never looked right. I have noticed a massive difference in my brows and they finally look normal with the size of my head haha. I focused most of the growing at the beginning of my brow and you can really tell that in the photos. The tails of my brows have really grown as well and the thickness of the brows has improved too. Very impressed with my results and I will continue to use it!
My mum results are incredible! Her lashes are now so full and long and she has got many compliments on how long her lashes are now, you know something is working when other people notice improvements! You can really tell that specially in the inner and outers of her lashes have really grown too. She told me she has actually had to trim a few of her eye lashes because they ended up touching her eye brows!
I would one thousand percent recommend these products and I do honestly think they are worth the price tag. If you struggle to grow in your eye brows give this a try and again if you want longer fuller lashes give Lilash a try! I can't say enough good things about these products.
Both LiLash and LiBrow retail from £53.19 to £93.07 each depending on what size you want to go for. The website actually offers free worldwide shipping which I love because I cannot stand paying for postage!
Have you tried these serums? Did you have as good of results as we did?
*PR Sample
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