I have talked about my struggles with my skin so many times but I have never done an in dept post about my skin and how I have finally started to keep it as clear as possible. This has taken my years and I have tried so many different products, changed my diet and even seen Doctors about my skin because I hated it so much. Even at almost 22 years old, I still struggle with acne but I have learnt how to deal with it and have some things you could try to see if they could help you with your skin too.
I have always struggled even my skin starting in my early teens, I get extremely painful spots which are known as nodules, these are mainly around my mouth and chin and sometimes on my forehead, I also get whiteheads and blackheads. If you have ever had a nodule, you will know how painful they are and mine usually can last for around 2 weeks and I can have multiple at a time making the experience even more painful. At 16 years old I went to the Doctors because everything I was trying just wasn't making a difference. At first I was prescribed different creams to try but while they did help reduce the acne, it actually dried my skin out so much that it actually started to flake off so I had to stop using it. I went back to the Doctor who decided to put me on the pill to control my acne which helped for a few years but it started to get worse again and even at 22 years old I still struggle sometimes to keep it under control.
Some lifestyle and dietary changes have helped improve my skin. Cutting down on diary and sugar makes a big difference and I always notice my skin starts to get worse when I get off track with my eating. Cream in particular hates my skin and gives me headaches so I have to avoid it. Making sure you drink enough water is so important too as it will help flush out any toxins and hydrate from the inside, out. Something I can't recommend enough if you struggle with your skin is to make sure your makeup brushes are washed at least once a week, its disgusting to think how much bacteria is in your brushes if you don't wash them regularly, making sure our pillows are washed regularly too is important. Trying not to touch your face as much as possible is something to consider, try not to pick your spots as this can actually make your skin worse. Having a consistent skincare routine has really helped improve my skin and whenever I slack on it I always notice my skin starting to get worse again. Its so important to make sure that your skin is cleansed and all traces of makeup are removed every weekend, please avoid the face wipes!
If you have tried things recommended by the doctors which aren't improving your skin to what you would like it to be, there are some products you could try which might help. The two main products which made a dramatic difference in my skin were Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish and the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo+. I have been using Cleanse & Polish for around four years now and it completely transformed my skin from being super oily and spot prone to normal with minimal spots with the occasional nodule. The Effaclar Duo+ is an incredible spot treatment, I will let the before and after pictures speak for themselves, check out my review with the photos here - link. Two newer products I have been using in the past couple of months are the La Roche Posay Serozinc and the Witch Overnight Clearing Serum. The Serozinc has helped keep my skin oil free and help minimise my breakouts and the Witch Overnight Clearing is brilliant when I need quick results.
York Test have created a brilliant eight step guide to overcome acne with lots of helpful tips and recommendations. There is a break down of the different types of acne to help you get a better understanding of the skin issues you might have, with images to help. I like they they have done this because many people think all spots are the same but they are completely different when you start to look into it. There is also a break down of things that contribute towards acne as well as some reasons to why you might be getting acne in different areas of the face and body. Having read through the guide, I have actually read some things I haven't even thought of trying to I am going to give them a go in hopes for even clearer skin. If you are in need of some acne help with is definitely a good read.
This post is in collaboration with York Test, all opinions are my own.
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