I love a good blog prop, I actually have a huge box full of them now and it really helps you get a little more creative with photography. Taking blog photos is actually my favourite thing about blogging, I struggle with the writing sometimes and I think I have really improved my photo's over the last year or so. I am always looking for things on a budget so no item has cost more than £10 in this post. Blogging doesn't have to be an expensive hobby if you don't want it to be!
Trinket Dishes & Accessories
Dishes and trays are my absolute favourite blog props to use but they can be really expensive! I think all of mine have been under £10 each and I have so many now! I personally prefer them to have gold in them as they match my current background better. Sass & Belle have some really great affordable props, they sell a lot of them on Amazon - HERE. My newest trinket dish is the White and Gold Eyelash Dish which was only £4.50 from Next! I have seen quite a lot of bloggers have this but I couldn't resist it. While I was in ASDA, I found that they have some really cute homeware and the little cloud dish is actually a teabag dish and was only £2! ASDA has some killer homeware at the moment, I can't wait to go back. I also recently picked up a set of marble dishes from New Look that I have been using quite a lot and they were only £8 for the set. New Look has some really great homeware is you are looking for some new blog props - lots of marble and rose gold!
Makeup bags are another prop I like to use a lot, I have a few different ones, including the Glossier Pink Pouch! You can get quite create with makeup bags and use them a few different ways. I have some little silver bells which I have been using a tonne in the last few months, these were £1 from Wilko and are great to fill space! I also use blankets and notebooks in my photos, usually just things from around the house, candles are great too. I like to use confetti every now and again, I wish I could use it more but it's so messy!
Artifical Flowers & Ribbons
I love how flowers look in photos and I use them a lot but some of the artificial flowers I have seen are expensive. I am always looking for things on a budget and The Range is one of my favourite places for artificial flowers. The lavender that I use in many of my photos only cost me £1 and I recently picked up three white flowers that you might have seen in my recent photos, these cost me either 40p or 60p each from Ikea! If you do have an Ikea near you, they are great for flowers! I've also seen that Sainsburys have some lovely flowers too, I got a lot of my festive and autumnal ones from there which I can't wait to start using again!
Ribbons are something I love to use in photos as they are great to fill spaces! I save a lot of them that come with PR parcels but I also get a lot from eBay as I have always found them to be the cheapest as you don't often need a lot for photos. I literally have a bag full of ribbons, different colours, sizes and styles. I haven't paid more than £1.50 for each of them - I have never felt more like Jessica Day than I do with a bag full of ribbons. I prefer the satin ribbons as they photograph better but I have been really enjoying using twine. I picked up this gorgeous lilac and white one recently and I can't wait to get another colour soon.
Finding a background for flatlays can be extremely expensive if you are looking in the wrong places. I am always shopping on a budget and none of my backgrounds has cost me more than £7 each to create. There a couple of companies that offer backgrounds for around £25 but as I like to change mine up so much I like to get them as cheap as possible. If you are wanting a clean white background for photos then I highly recommend a A1 Mount Board from Hobby Craft or any craft store. I use this in a lot of my photos either as a base for products with a marble background for standard shots or flatlays on bright overcast days.
The one side of my Mount Board I actually have the D-H-C Fix Cortes Deco Self-Adhesive Film which is the background used in the photo included in this post. This costs £5 and I love that it has a matte finish as it makes photography so much easier. I highly recommend this brand of sticky back plastic, I have been using them for years now! It's also how I have a marble background for a lot of my other photos. This is actually stuck to the back of a Flooring Sample from B&Q which cost me £2! What's great about these is that they are actually wipeable so if you get any product on it you don't have to worry about ruining it so much.
You can get a bunch of different flooring samples from stores like B&Q that make great backgrounds for photos. I used to use a white wooden effect one all the time for photos and it was just a flooring sample! Speaking of samples, wallpaper samples have been my best friend ever since I started my blog! I usually send my Dad in and he gets me a bunch of different ones to try out and these are free! You get can these from B&Q, Homebase, Wilko, The Range etc.
If you want to know where any of my specific props are from, please let me know in the comments or DM me and I will try my best to provide a link for you!
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