Heel Genius from Soap and Glory has been one of my must-have products from the brand for years now so I was so excited to see a new product to use alongside it! I hate feet so this is a little weird for me to talk about but everybody needs to get their feet summer ready.
Heel Genius (£5.50) is by far one of the best products I have ever used when it comes to my feet. There is nothing worse than having dry skin on your feet and Heel Genius is going to have your feet soft and smooth in no time. This has a very cooling effect once you apply it and I'm obsessed with it. I have gone through so many tubes of this stuff as it really does a fantastic job. I have quite dry skin around my ankles and this is one of the only products that will actually get these patches smooth and hydrated. Once I have applied it I always put on socks to lock in moisture overnight. And speaking of socks...
Soap and Glory have recently come out with The Heel Deal Snooze Socks (£7). I was really excited about these and they are so on brand. I'm one of those people that always sleeps in socks and socks are one of my favourite things so I couldn't wait to get them on my feet. I have been using these after I have applied Heel Genius and I find that because of the way they fit and have been designed that actually stay on all night = softer feet. I love that they aren't elasticated around the top as it doesn't feel tight against the skin.
The final product is The Heel Deal Foot File (£9), I don't think this is new but I'm sure it has been rebranded as I swear they had a white one before. This is a three in one product to get you back on your feet. This is one of the most effective foot related products I have used as it makes the most difference with any rough skin. I have been using this on my heels specifically and they are definitely ready for sandals now!
Soap and Glory is available at Boots - HERE.
This post contains press samples and affiliate links, all opinions are my own.
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