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I have been really enjoying writing about things that are not beauty related recently and I thought I would share a few more of current lifestyle favourites. I haven't been buying much new makeup recently but I have been buying quite a few Funko Pops!
If you follow me anywhere on social media or read my posts regularly, you'll probably know how obsessed I am with reading at the moment. As of writing this post, I have read 55 books so far this year and I just can't stop. The main reason I have been reading so much is all due to Kindle Unlimited. I have a three-month trial that I paid £1.99 for at the end of last year and I'll be gutted when it runs out at the end of the month. All but about seven books I have read this year have been from Kindle Unlimited and I found a new favourite author in R.S Grey thanks to it. It's such an incredible service if you like reading and you can get a completely free 30-day trial when you use this link*.
My most random favourite in the last couple of weeks has been a lamp. I got this LED Desk Lamp* for my birthday and it's one of the best things I have in my house. It has three different light settings, warm, cool and bright white and while it is what I use to read in the evenings, it also doubles as a great light for blog photos when you use the bright white setting. This lamp is chargeable so you can put it whenever you like and I just can't get enough of it.
I have always liked Funko Pops but I didn't really start buying them until a few weeks ago. The first one I got was Nikki Bella (I bought her last year) and I'm obsessed with her but for my birthday I got a couple and now I can't stop buying them! Ariel has always been my favourite Disney princess and for my birthday I got two different versions of the Ariel Funko Pop* but I adore the gown version. I really want to get the other Disney princesses in this collection.
The last couple of weeks have been great for music. The Jonas Brothers, my ultimate favourite boy band of life and my teenage crushes are back together! Sucker has been on repeat from the second that it dropped and I will sell a limb to go see them if they tour. Austin Plaine is an artist I have loved since the days of Hart of Dixie and after years of waiting, he finally released a new song and I adore it. He has an album coming out in a few months and I can't wait for it.
What are your current lifestyle favourites?
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