My Favourite Things From a Terrible Year | 2020

This has been one quick yet slow year. And it hasn't been a great one for obvious reasons but I wanted to write down a few positive things that happened this year because I try as much as possible to be a glass-half-full kind of person even though I am a bit of a pessimist. So despite COVID-19, these are the things that got me through the year or just added some happiness to my life. Here is a list of my favourite things from 2020...Getting a kitten

I got an adorable yet oh so naughty black and white kitten in October. She's called Lula and if you follow me on Instagram you would have seen a lot of her. 

Animal Crossing: New Horizons 

I joked that when this was released I wanted two weeks to stay home and play the game and I have been home apart from to go to work since! This is the one game that I can spend hours and hours playing, I have played over 300 hours this year. 


This album really did save 2020 for me. It's pure perfection from start to finish and I will never get bored of it. 

Read over 200 books

In the last couple of years, I  have been a massive reader and this year was my best reading year yet. I'm not sure how much reading I will do in 2021 as I am going to relax slightly but I know it will still be an insane amount. 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

I don't even need to tell you why.


Did I mention I was a swiftie?

A good blog year

One of my 2020 resolutions was to get back to receiving a certain number of views per day and I had completely forgotten about that goal until last week. Turns out, I completely surpassed it by the end of the year! I also had a good year with affiliate marketing which I am still quite new to but I am really proud of my progress and my blog in general. 

Making new friends via Twitter 

If you ever need to get in contact with me, Twitter is the platform to do so. I have made a few new friendships via Twitter this year including Shelby over at

Almost daily FaceTimes with my cousin/best friend

These FaceTimes were the best. I have always been close with my cousin but this year it was weird if we didn't speak to each other every day. We can spend literally hours on the phone talking about nothing and I love that. 

What were your favourite things about this weird year? Let's hope 2021 is an improvement. 



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