With everything that is going on in the world right now, it's important to find happiness in the small things. I'm only leaving my house to go to work and if you can stay home, please do. These are the things I have been loving and have been making me happy on a daily basis lately.

It goes without saying that I am still very much obsessed with TikTok. If you haven't downloaded the app yet now is a perfect time as it is such a time waster and we all have the time! I can spend hours on scrolling through the for you page and I end up laughing until it hurts. You can find out who all of my favourite creators are in this post. Jenna Marbles uploaded a video of her favourite TikToks last week and I highly recommend watching that.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out a few weeks ago and I cannot stop playing it. It's such an incredible game and its the main reason why I got my Switch Lite in the first place. If you have the game, you will know just how calming it is, it has been great for my anxiety. If you also have the game, tweet me your friend code so we can visit each other!
Disney+ finally launched in the UK last week and I have been watching all of my childhood favourites! There is so much on there that I haven't seen yet and have been working my way through. I also watched a documentary called One Day at Disney that I really enjoyed! I'd love some recommendations of what to watch on the streaming service as I haven't seen any of the new stuff since the first Frozen movie came out.
The final thing I have been really enjoying is watching Suits! I had never seen it when it was originally on but I love Meghan so I decided to watch it two weeks ago and I cannot stop. Harvey Spector is the man of my dreams and it's such a great show! I'm on the third season already but I couldn't have picked a better time to binge it.
What has been making you happy recently?
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